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SCOOBY DOO DOJIN #9 Velma's Blog !!!!


Velma's Blog Choose your own ending


or go below and read the story with pix
and choose your own velma's blog fate.

#Opening~ #A~ #B~ #C~#The List~ #D
#Economics~ #Library~ #Health~ #Advanced calculus ~#English~
#Mascot ~#Boys' Gym Class~ #A Science Class~#Back to P.E.

Story and art by Doc Icenogle made December 2005
Posted November 30, 2006

Please let me know how you liked the story and art leave a note in the Forum or Guestbook.

Velma's Blog:




Public Blog

Well if what happen to me in class was not bad enough.
Mrs. Starf sent me to see the principle. And we aired our differences.

Personal Blog

Once in Mr Bigdicker's office I handed him the note from Mrs. Starf to read.
And after so I took a seat in the comply chair in front of his desk.

He looked at me.

You know Velma I have known you for 4 years now and I must say this does not sound like you.

You know my office door was always open for you with any problem you had.

"Even one like this."

What made you suddenly decide on the last day of school to expose yourself to your fellow class mates?

I.... I....

It is all here in Mrs. Starf's note.

But.... But....

Now Velma you are not going to tell me Mrs. Starf is a liar are you?
When I start taking the word of a student over a teachers. Then that is when we start having problems.

Now I think the only way to deal with this is to first see the evidence and then decide what should be made of it.
Velma if you would show me the bloomers.

Well there still on me.

That should be fine after all I have to see every thing the others did to decide on what was, And was not seen.

Velma stood and started to lift her skirt.


You can remove that Velma.

I am sure you did not have it on when you exposed yourself to your class.

Velma dropped her skirt and let it pool on the floor.

Her thick mat of coper curls bushed out from the hole in the crotch of the tight fitting neon pink bloomers.

That is a rip alright.

Would you turn around please.

Velma did so and he seen the rip was more exposing from the back and her tight ass crack was showing quiet well from between the ripped bloomers.

You may turn around again Velma.
Well I see that there is definitely some exposure here.
But I need a better idea of how much more.

Take a seat please Velma.

Velma started to site down.


Not like that.
Turn around Miss and put your knees on the cushing.

Velma did so as she looked back at him. Now push your bottom out and rest your self on the back of the chair cushing.


I cant....

Velma it is up to you if you would like me to call your home and talk it over with them that would be find.

But then I would have to put this problem of yours of exposing yourself on your permanent record.

And I am sure you would not like that as well as would any repeatable collage you would choose to go to.

Well Jinkies!

This is not fair at all.

Well Velma you should have thought more about what could happen before you became the class stripper.

As Velma leaned into the back cushing she sighed as she pushed her cheek into the soft fabric.
And pushed her ass out to her principle as she offered it for him to ogle.
The cheeks where now spread wide and her thick bush and her holes were exposed to his view.

"Oh My!"

You are a naughty girl I can see your thick bushy pussy and asshole very clearly.
What those boy's must have thought when you showed it to them.

I was not trying to show them at all all I was....


what is important was that from the first day you came here I told you my door was always open to any problem you had.
What did you do you ignored that offer and chose instead to expose your class to this perverse act.

To force them to watch you in your lewd sexual act of perverse need.
When you could have came to this office closed the door and said.

"Mr Bigdicker"

I would like to ask you a favor please.
And I would have told you anything I can help you with I would.
And then you could have said simply to me.

Would you please look at my pussy and asshole for me?

I have this urge to have my nasty parts looked at and I cant stop it.
Then we could have kept it as our little secret.
Now I would like you to say it now.

Say what Mr Bigdicker?

I have this urge to have my nasty parts looked at and I cant stop it.
Would you pleas look at my pussy and asshole for me?


I cant do that!
I mean that is sick!
I don't even say such nasty words like that at all.

Very well I guess I better make those calls.

I have this urge and I cant stop it.

Velma whispered.

What did you say Velma?

I have this urge and I cant stop it.

She said it a little louder.

I am afraid I can not here you.

Velma cleared her thought and then repeated it again to Mr. Bigdicker.

I have this urge and I cant stop it.

Yes and what is it you have a urge about that you need to tell me?

Would you please look at my Naughty holes for me?

Velma whispered


Would you please look at my Naughty holes for me?



she whispered


Yes Please!

why of course I will look at them for you. And there very lovely as well.
But you need to part the hair on your pussy so I can have a better look.
Well do so.

Velma reached back and parted the hair. That's better now open your cunt a little wider.

Like that yes Velma well done.
Are you having fun?

Not really....

Say yes.

When ever I ask you something you say yes.


I have to say Velma you are a hairy girl.
Do you know that?


You should shave it.

Shave my naughty holes?

I could never....

What was it I said Velma?


So you will shave it?


Now aren't you glad you came in and let me know about this problem that you havve Velma?


And aren't you happy I decided to let you show me your nasty holes?


This when on for about a hour.

As Velma rested her head in the seat next to her knees she responded only when she was told to respond.
She was some what turned on still by this act and a long snail trail of pussy cream oozed from her cunt and was only inches from the chair cushing now.
Her asshole was puckering as well and would some times gap open for a few seconds into a small pink doughnut.

You like me looking at your cunt don't you?


Say it.

I like you looking at my cunt.

say it again.

I like you looking at my cunt.

Keep saying it to me.

Do not stop till I say.

I like you looking at my cunt.

I like you looking at my cunt.

Velma could hear Mr.Bigdickers breath come even quicker.
And she had a idea what he was doing back there.
But she was not about to look.

Ok! Velma you can sit up now.

Here is what you will do.
You will graduate with your other friends.
Now for what you are required of for this is.
You will spend the next two weeks in Summer School as a aid to the Teachers there.
Now you may get dressed.
And here is a list of requirements I expect for you to do at home tonight.
They will come in handy when starting back here on your new position as assistant.

Velma took the list and left the office. It was time to meet the guys.

Not all options lead onward. Some maybe dead ends if so go back
and choose another fate there are 14 more options/parts in all to the story.


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